BHO Masters Symposium Freestyle -kouluratsastusseminaari
BHO Masters Symposium Freestyle - Everything you always wanted to know about freestyles
Black Horse Onen järjestämä kür-ohjelmiin painottuva kouluratsastusseminaari on suunnattu kaikille kouluratsastuksesta kiinnostuneille - esimerkiksi tuomareille, valmentajille, urheilijoille sekä muille lajientusiasteille. Seminaarin puhujat koostuvat nimekkäistä, lajin parissa toimivista kouluratsastusvaikuttajista.
Seminaari järjestetään etäyhteydellä ja se on katsottavissa vielä kuusi päivää tapahtuman jälkeen - voit siis katsoa seminaarin osioita myöhemmin, mikäli et pääse jotain osiota seuraamaan seminaaripäivien aikana. Voit lunastaa lippusi tapahtumaan ilmoittautumalla alla olevalla lomakkeella. Suomen Ratsastajainliitto välittää ilmoittautuneen nimen ja sähköpostiosoitteen seminaarin järjestäjälle, joka toimittaa etäyhteyslinkin osallistujien sähköpostiin ennen tilaisuuden alkua.
When? 3rd & 4th of December 2022, 4.00 - 7.00 pm CET, 3 sessions per day / 45 min per session
For whom? The Symposium is targeted at all persons interested, not only judges or top sport.
What do you get? Freestyles are the highlight of every dressage show and the most appreciated competition by a broader audience. A great freestyle draws in the audience, creates emotions and is incredibly fun to watch as well as to ride.
Did you ever ask yourself:
● How do I create a good freestyle?
● What do judges think when judging a freestyle?
● How can I train and prepare my students for a freestyle?
● How can I improve my freestyle-judging? How does the Degree of Difficulty System
for Grand Prix Freestyles actually work?
Learn from some of the best and be part of this brand-new online symposium. Daniel Göhlen, CEO and founder of Black Horse One, co-inventor of the well-known DoD judging system as well as the state-of-the-art paperless judging solution eDressage™, will moderate and lead through the six exciting sessions.
Session 1 - “The Effective Freestyle for Your Horse” - Patrik Kittel (Dec 3rd 16:00 CET)
Patrik Kittel is a Swedish dressage rider who is currently based in Nottuln, Germany. He represented his country at several Olympic Games, World-, European as well as National Championships and developed almost 50 horses to impressive placings in international Grand Prix.
Patrik will demonstrate how he uses a freestyle to outline the strength of every horse. He reevaluates past freestyles regarding his individual horse's characteristics. He points out how to ride a freestyle in comparison to a standard Grand Prix and Grand Prix Freestyle from a rider’s point of view.
Session 2 - “Understanding Freestyle Judging” - Hans Christian Matthiesen (Dec 3rd 17:00 CET)
Hans Christian Matthiesen, in addition to being a veterinarian, is a FEI 5* judge, member of the FEI Dressage Committee and member of the board of directors of the Danish Equestrian Federation, is the president of the International Dressage Officials Club.
Hans Christian Matthiesen will show the judges point of view during a freestyle and explain judging guidelines, always with the overall goal for the horse to perform in harmony and willingness. Learn and understand how evidence of stress and discomfort of the horse will be reflected in the overall score.
Session 3 - "What makes a good Freestyle Music?" - Jacquelien Vriese (Dec 3rd 18:00 CET)
Jacquelien Vriese is the owner of Symphoneon Sound Design and inspires numerous dressage riders with her exceptional and innovative music productions. Next to her incredible freestyle productions she provides musical accompaniment during dressage tests at some of the biggest dressage events in the world.
To pick the right music for a freestyle can be a real challenge as it must match with the tempo of the horse in all gaits and movements of the choreography as well as most importantly the type of horse and rider. Jacquelien will guide through a general understanding of good music choices and shows how themes and moods of music can impact a freestyle in a positive or negative way.
Session 4 - “How I create a freestyle for my horse?” - Jessica von Bredow-Werndl (Dec 4th 16:00 CET)
Jessica von Bredow-Werndl became the Individual Olympic Champion during the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo with her mare Dalera, scoring 91,732 % in the individual freestyle.
This session will focus on trainers who train their students and horses for a freestyle. Rider & Horse combinations change and mature over the years and if a freestyle is designed for a young Grand Prix horse, the choreography can evolve over time. See the challenges trainers face in everyday training preparing their students for a freestyle
Session 5 - “Choreography & Degree of Difficulty” - Katrina Wüst (Dec 4th 17:00 CET)
Being the FEI Course Director General since 2019 and generally accepted as the “Queen of Freestyles”, Katrina Wüst gives seminars all over the world, helping to improve the judges’ education wherever possible. Together with Daniel Göhlen she developed the Degree of Difficulty systems for Grand Prix Freestyles to make judging more transparent and understandable, also for spectators.
Katrina explains the criteria of choreography and the degree of difficulty at Grand Prix freestyles. Get insights at the calculation of difficult exercises and see how a technically correct performance is a testimony of a high standard of riding ability.
Session 6 - Discussion round (Dec 4th 18:00 CET)
This session will evaluate all sessions and offer an open space for discussion with all speakers. The audience will be involved actively and several topics can be discussed.
Listen to as many sessions as you like or access recordings up to six days later at You can submit questions during all sessions. We will compile the best ones that are then discussed in the final discussion. Please be aware that all sessions will be in English. You will receive an email with further information close to the seminar date.
The Symposium is targeted at all persons interested in dressage, not only judges or top sport. Be part of this new BHO Masters Symposium and learn everything you always wanted to know about freestyles!
Ilmoittautumiset 29.11.2022 mennessä alla olevan lomakkeen kautta. Maksamaton ilmoittautuminen ei ole voimassa. Peruutukset vahvistusviestin linkin kautta tai Ilmoittautumisajan jälkeen tulleissa peruutuksissa maksu hyvitetään vain lääkärintodistuksella. Peruuttamattomat ilmoittautumiset tulee maksaa täysimääräisenä. Jälki-ilmoittautumisessa hintaan lisätään 10 €.
Kerättyjä henkilötietoja tullaan käyttämään vain kyseisen koulutuksen/tilaisuuden järjestämisessä sekä palautteen keräämisessä, eikä niitä tulla luovuttamaan ulkopuolisille. Vain nimi ja sähköpostiosoite välitetään tilaisuuden järjestäjälle etäyhteyslinkin toimittamista varten. Tiedot kerätään Ratsastajainliiton käytössä olevaan TAPU-järjestelmään ja tiedot säilytetään kirjanpitolain edellyttämällä tavalla. Muut tiedot tuhotaan tilastoinnin jälkeen.