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Black Horse Onen seminaarit keskittyvät tällä kertaa vaikeisiin tilanteisiin, jotka eivät välttämättä suoraan kuulu sääntöjen piiriin, mutta joita tuomarit ja stewardit kohtaavat eri tasoilla. Tavoitteena on keskustella näistä tilanteista ryhmässä ja saavuttaa yhteinen ymmärrys tulevia tapahtumia varten, kokeneiden kansainvälisten tuomareiden ja stewardien ohjauksessa. Seminaarit ovat tarkoitettu kaikille kiinnostuneille, ei pelkästään toimihenkilöille tai urheilijoille.

Seminaarit ovat englanninkielisiä ja ne tallennetaan. Tallenteet ovat katsottavissa kaksi viikkoa seminaarin jälkeen.


Dressage 06 Nov 2023 (7 - 9pm CET)
Para-Dressage 13 Nov 2023 (7 - 9pm CET)
Stewards 20 Nov 2023 (7 - 9pm CET)

Online, recordings available for 2 weeks afterwards

Each day begins with a theory session. Afterwards, the participants are split up into smaller groups and tasked with solving a difficult situation provided via video or text. The conclusion will be presented to everyone and the experts explain how they would solve such a situation.

Officials for Dressage, Para-Dressage, Stewards and Vets

Single session for 39 €, all three for 89 €


Dressage, 06 Nov 2023 (7pm to 9pm CET)

While judging shows on all kinds of different levels, unexpected situations can occur in many ways and the solution/consequence is not always clear right away. FEI 5* judge Hans-Christian Matthiesen (DEN) will illustrate various examples with the goal to analyze and discuss those with the group and finally come to a common understanding as preparation for future events.

Hans-Christian Matthiesen with bonus appearances of two esteemed 5* judges, supported by Daniel Göhlen. In addition to being a veterinarian, is an FEI Dressage 5* judge, member of the FEI Judge Supervisory Panel, FEI Dressage Course Director and President of the International Dressage Officials Club.

Para-Dressage, 13 Nov 2023 (7pm to 9pm CET)

Judging Para Dressage classes means that all actions are closely monitored by the audience, riders, trainers as well as the media. Elke Ebert and Kjell Myhre invite you to discuss difficult situations, which can arise during shows and to elaborate on possibilities as well as actions, while always keeping in mind to put horse and rider first.

Elke Ebert (GER) is an FEI Dressage and Para Dressage 5* judge as well as an FEI Dressage Mentor Judge, who acted as member of the ground jury during several Championships and Games. For this seminar Elke will be working together with Kjell Myhre (NOR), who also gained international recognition during Championships and the Paralympics. Kjell is an FEI Para Dressage 5* and Dressage 4* judge as well as a Para Dressage Technical Delegate. Both experts are highly experienced and offer national and international educational seminars on a regular basis.

Stewards, 20 Nov 2023 (7pm to 9pm CET)

The FEI Stewards Manual (2019) describes the stewards positions as follows: “The Steward is called upon to make quick, informed judgements and to intervene in situations that require an official, authoritative but fair reaction”. As this written statement is good advice, there will be questionable situations with unclear solutions. Stewarding experts Petra Choc (AUT) and Walter Nef (USA) prepare some of these difficult situations from their numerous steward functions and invite you to find individual solutions to prepare yourself for future shows.

Petra Choc is an FEI Dressage, Para Dressage and Jumping Steward. She will be leading the seminar together with her US colleague Walter Nef, who is also an FEI Dressage and Para Dressage Steward operating on the highest level of the Sport incl. Championships and Finals.


Ilmoittautuminen osoitteessa: BHO Masters Symposium (equestrian-hub.com)

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